GULLIVER IN THE HOUSE////2005_july_hokkaido_07////

July 31, 2005

in Furano HKD

posted by Admin at 20:25 | General

GOD OF AINU/////2005_july_hokkaido06/////

July 30, 2005

20050730-sinmbol of ainu.JPG
Ainu, native Hokkaido peple, and native Americans are incredibly similar in any sense.

posted by Admin at 20:29 | General

SHINING SEA////2005_july_hokkaido05////

July 29, 2005

20050729-old man and blue sea.JPG

posted by Admin at 20:23 | General

EVERY JAPANESE LOVES BATHING///2005_july_hokkaido04////

July 28, 2005

Abashiri prison
Ice prison of legend in Hokkaido

posted by Admin at 20:53 | General

HUGE SCULUPTURE////2005_july_hokkaido_03////

July 27, 2005

Moerenuma park in Sapporo
The master plan drawn by sculpture Isamu Noguchi seventeen years ago

posted by Admin at 20:04 | General


July 26, 2005

Evertbody loves the sunset

The typhoon passed in Tokyo yesterday.
We get the clear sky.

posted by Admin at 20:39 | General

MAGIC COLOR ///2005_july_hokkaido_01///

July 25, 2005

Lake Onnetou
I traveled around HKD for 15 days in july

posted by Admin at 19:59 | General


posted by Admin at 09:42 | General

summer summer summer

Tokyo was attacked by earth quake yesterday .

Completion of this site was delayed. Sorry!!!
But treasure JAPAN is coming soon.
We will sell EDOFURIN (picture).

BBJAPAN means BotibotiJAPAN.
Botiboti means ??????????????slowly???
I dont know?????
posted by Admin at 09:38 | General

Welcome to

July 04, 2005

Here you can write comments or suggestions, poems or just anything you need to write down.

Have fun!!!

posted by Admin at 10:56 | General